at Enssib, a day on book accessibility

at Enssib, a day on book accessibility
at Enssib, a day on book accessibility

The program of the day


Welcoming participants


Welcome words: Nathalie Marcerou-Ramel, Director of Enssib; Bruno Gendron, President of the Federation of Blind and Amblyopic People of


Round table no. 1 “What public policies to serve people with disabilities? »
Moderation: Fernando Pinto da Silva, Federation of Blind and Amblyopic People of France
Speakers: Marianne Clatin, Exception Handicap Center of the National Library of France, Éva Dolowski, National Institute for Young Blind People, Édith Girard, National Book Center


Round table no. 2 “What adapted publishing services in libraries? »
Moderation: Amandine Ronzy, National Association of Parents of Blind Children ANPEA
Speakers: Hélène Kudzia, Association of Librarians of France, Valérie Peyrou, SCD Jean Jaurès, Ludovic Pellegrini, James Baldwin Library

11:30 a.m.

Round table no. 3 “What are the challenges for natively accessible publishing? »
Moderation: Katie Durand, Federation of Blind and Amblyopic People of France
Speakers: Dienaba Dia, Ministry of Culture, Gautier Chomel, EDRLab, Federation of the Blind and Amblyopes of France

12h30 — 14h

Lunch break

14h — 16h


Workshop 1 “Making reading accessible: professions, know-how and innovations”
– Nathalie Bedouin (IJA Toulouse) and Jérôme Abderrahmane (Centre Normandie-Lorraine): the job of transcriber/adaptor (ATAF)
– Sophie Blain (Les Doigts Qui Rêvent) and Caroline Chabaud (Mes Mains en Or): atypical editors?
– Valérie Peyrou: adapting library resources at the University of Toulouse, SCD
– Nicolas Blanchard: developing software to make science more accessible CECIAA
– Vincent Gros: prepare and support towards natively accessible publishing Hachette Livres

Workshop 2 “Exploring Assistive Technologies for All: Digital Solutions and Reading Accessibility”
– Fernando Pinto da Silva: Federation of the Blind and Amblyopic of France

Workshop 3 “Digital Accessibility: Discovery of the Federation’s Tools and Resources”

16h15 — 16h45

Closing of the day

More information and registration at this address.

Photography: an accessible children’s book from the publishing house Mes Mains en Or (ActuaLitté, CC BY SA 2.0)



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