Someone recreated the famous ketchup scene from “Justiciars” with animal figurines and it’s wonderful

Someone recreated the famous ketchup scene from “Justiciars” with animal figurines and it’s wonderful
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Last week, Quebec was marked by an extract from the show The Justices having been published on social networks.

In the scene filmed on a television, we could hear the story of the conflict between a man and his partner’s granddaughter.

• Read also: A man who allegedly forced his granddaughter-in-law to eat ketchup with a spoon raises passions on TikTok

Basically, the latter would have been traumatized, in her childhood, of having been forced to eat ketchup with a spoon by her grandfather-in-law.

“Now I can’t eat it anymore, because I’m afraid of eating ketchup,” said the complainant.

This is where the Calipop Creepers Instagram account comes in.

We had already told you about this page which had fun reproducing extracts from Masterchef Québec.

• Read also: Someone is reproducing segments of Masterchef Quebec with little animal figurines and it’s adorable

This time, it is the surrealist debate held at Vigilantes which was the subject of a reconstruction where the roles are played by Calico Critters figurines.

Admire the attention to detail! (It’s a video. Tap the image to play.)

Frankly, we would like to see several classics of Quebec cinema, TV and the internet reinterpreted in this way, with these Japanese figurines.

Also see on the Bag of Chips:



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