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Flavie Flament recounts how she spoke to her children about the rape she suffered

Flavie Flament recounts how she spoke to her children about the rape she suffered

Flavie Flament was raped several times in her adolescence and told her story in a book.

But if it took courage for her to speak out about the sexual violence inflicted on her by the famous photographer David Hamilton when she was 13, it took even more when she made the decision to address the issue with her two sons.

While she was on the set of C à vous, on France 5, on September 11, in the company of Mathieu Palain, the author of the essay on domestic violence Les Hommes manque de courage, Flavie Flament quoted a passage from the book with which she identified. “This mother who says to her son: “I’m going to explain to you who I am”. That’s what I experienced with my children,” says the host.

When her autobiographical novel La Consolation came out in 2016, “I had to tell them,” she explains. A necessity for the mother who buried the memory of the violence she suffered deep in her mind for twenty years.

“For me, it was essential, so that they do not inherit, in one way or another, unspoken things, a secret, because that is something perfectly harmful,” emphasizes Flavie Flament.

Silence is dangerous, but that wasn’t Enzo and Antoine’s mother’s only motivation. She spoke to them because she wanted “them to know and understand who I was.”

“It’s very moving,” says the woman who will be at the helm of Télématin from September 16.


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