Tiffany Haie (Eure-et-Loir), elected Miss Centre-Val de 2025

Tiffany Haie (Eure-et-Loir), elected Miss Centre-Val de 2025
Tiffany Haie (Eure-et-Loir), elected Miss Centre-Val de Loire 2025

Under the acclamations of a jubilant public, Tiffanny Haie is elected Miss Centre-Val de 2025, this Sunday, September 29, 2024. In the long white dress enhanced with lace, at the age of 18, the young girl from Rouvres appears almost fragile.

As soon as the crown is placed on her beautiful curly hair by Ève Gilles, Miss 2024, a whirlwind settles around her. The photographers, the makeup artist who comes to do some touch-ups after the tears of emotion, the flowers: for Tiffanny, the life of Miss Centre-Val de Loire is only just beginning.

A show lasting several hours at the exhibition center

Between tears and smile, she says how happy she is: “I didn’t expect it at all. But I will do everything to represent my region in the Miss France competition. » She doesn’t forget to say hello “The support I had from the regional committee which accompanied me until then”.

If there is only one of the eighteen candidates in the running yesterday at the Dreux exhibition center who wears the crown, there are still four other candidates to obtain the title of runner-up. Anaïs Marlard from Saint-Jean-le-Blanc in (but originally from Lignac, in Indre, where she wore the colors of Miss Indre 2022) is fourth runner-up, Maëlle Menotti, from Loiret also, wears the sash third runner-up, Clémence Bierlaire de Veigné (Indre-et-Loire) is second runner-up and the role of first runner-up goes to Valentine Petit, a young girl from Cher.

More than a thousand spectators

The election held in suspense more than a thousand people who came from throughout the Centre-Val de Loire region to attend a show lasting several hours at the Dreux exhibition center.

If there is a lot of emotion on the faces of the candidates for the election, there is another who sheds a few tears. Stéphanie Chanoine Talata, delegate of the Miss France regional committee, is very discreet on the main stage of the exhibition center. She only appears to launch the show, thank all the partners – starting with the City of Dreux which supports her – and participate in the announcement of the results.

Nursing student

But these perfectly orchestrated and rhythmic show hours are the fruit of months of work for her and her team. Clothing, makeup, choreography… everything is perfectly thought out to obtain a show full of lightness and carefreeness.

The election of this month of September 2024 will be remembered by the public. For Tiffanny Haie, it is a turning point in her life as a student in the first year of nursing school. A commitment that will allow him to keep his head on his shoulders even with the crown. At the Miss France committee, we appreciate the beauty of bodies but also of souls.

Valérie Beaudoin



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