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The aphorisms of Mustapha Kebir Ammi. The future at work

The aphorisms of Mustapha Kebir Ammi. The future at work
The aphorisms of Mustapha Kebir Ammi. The future at work

We are made of futures as much as pasts

Of the future as much as the present

Of revolts and lights as much as fears

Of senseless defeats and triumphs

Because it’s always me who I bring to my knees

And always me on my knees

No front can bear the laurels of an absolute victor

We carry defeat at the end of our sword

Because we are all beings at the same time

Under a single sky – unique – which runs like a plain to the unwavering horizon

And in his forge, morning and evening

The future works patiently

He works without our knowledge

The future builds our face and our heart

It is in our hands, the beating heart of our soul

He is the breath and face of our heirs

He is their innocence and their voice

That I perceive in the depths of my being

When I think of this long – and deceptive – journey

Why would I burden their days with resentment and hatred

We are made of the future as much as the past

And nothing can change this order

Neither wars nor joys are limited to any continent of the past

And nothing is a triumph

Nothing makes man grow

Neither the immense lands nor the just wars that he carries within him

When he forgets that he is made of the future as much as the past

And that he no longer knows what the symbols and signs that he himself forged in the silence which preceded his outburst mean



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