these employees will perform Mozart’s “Requiem” on the stage of the Moulin du Roc

“We didn’t imagine we would do so well. We managed to give ourselves goosebumps! » Vanessa and 79 other employees of the IMA group are preparing to take on a ” challenge “Sunday October 13 and Monday October 14, 2024: sing Mozart’s “Requiem”, all in chorus and accompanied by the Divertimento orchestra, on the stage of the Moulin du Roc.

“After the health crisis, colleagues wanted to get together. I asked: would you like a choir? »says Marie. “In spring 2023, we met Doriane Chomiac de Sas, singing teacher and choir director. I presented what the BNP Paribas choir sang in »under the aegis of the professional.

Rehearsals after work

In September, the company’s management provides a room dedicated to rehearsals, which begin on January 16, 2024.

“For a year, we have been mobilizing, organizing and planning. We are helped by the kindness of IMA, which lets certain employees leave work a little earlier”adds Vanessa. Collective rehearsals take place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. every Tuesday.

But the revisions are daily. “I had never sung, I don’t even know how to read the notes”confides Arnaud spontaneously.

“Everyone has a voice”

YouTube tutorials and in-car training are quickly becoming the best allies for apprentice choristers to progress outside of rehearsals. “There are different stages: learning a piece by ear, singing it in groups of voices (alto, soprano, bass, tenor), synchronizing with the rest of the choir, then with the orchestra”explains Nicolas.

The choir will be accompanied by the Divertimento orchestra, led by conductor Zahia Ziouani, during its performances.
© (Photo Christophe Fillieule)

A united collective

The choir knows that it can count on the unfailing support and wise advice of Doriane Chomiac de Sas, for whom “everyone has a voice”. She introduces her students to what “rooting in the ground, the diaphragm and breathing” is. The choir encourages exchanges between employees of the same company who do not usually meet. “The collective gives energy,” notes the singing teacher.

Marie, Arnaud, Catherine, Nicolas, Doriane, Mandi and Vanessa are getting ready to go on stage at the Moulin du Roc.
© (Photo NR, Camille Pain)

“A little stressed”

The one who has “always had the desire to make everyone sing”particularly appreciates discovering the beauty of classical works. “I have been supporting this type of project for ten years. It’s interesting to see all these singers transform, rehearsal after rehearsal. »

Now, it’s time for the final adjustments to approach the premiere as calmly as possible, Sunday October 13. “We’re a little stressed”confide the choristers. “You will be professionals on the day of the concert”reassures Doriane Chomiac de Sas.

In any case, IMA employees plan to repeat the experience. They have just created an association, The Imaestro Choir, in order to sing new verses.

Performances Sunday October 13, at 5 p.m., and Monday October 14, 2024, at 8 p.m., at the Moulin du Roc, in . Ticket office open.



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