Bruno Corty releases a “Lovers’ dictionary of American literature”

Bruno Corty releases a “Lovers’ dictionary of American literature”
Bruno Corty releases a “Lovers’ dictionary of American literature”

Writers, beacons in the American night

The editor-in-chief of “Figaro littéraire” Bruno Corty devotes a “Love Dictionary” to American literature, to reflect its extraordinary richness.

Cédric Petit – “Le Soir”

Published today at 9:00 p.m.

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“Since all this time you’ve spent writing about American writers, why don’t you make a book about it?” Thirty-six years, in reality, during which the editor-in-chief of “Figaro littéraire” Bruno Corty was in permanent contact with literature, in the exercise of his profession. There came a day when, thanks to a move by the editorial staff of the Parisian daily, the columnist had to do the unthinkable: sort through the collection of books that littered the walls of a basement of the ” Figaro. By the looks of it, a good five thousand pounds. How to choose? Who to keep? Which novels to get rid of? It is a “nightmare” that Bruno Corty faces in front of these piles of books, despite an obvious fact that quickly emerges, that in the middle of all these familiar faces, his heart could not do anything other than swing towards his “armada American.



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