Four Genevan finalists for Miss Universe Switzerland

Four Genevan finalists for Miss Universe Switzerland
Four Genevan finalists for Miss Universe Switzerland

Switzerland chooses its representative this Saturday for the 73rd edition of the Miss Universe competition. Among the 19 finalists, four are from Geneva and they are all very different. Portraits.

There are four Genevans hoping to represent Switzerland at Miss Universe. And surprise, three of them are mothers. This is the case of Cassandra de Sousa. She is 29 years old, lives in Vernier and works in modeling and content creation. Former reality TV candidate, this French native has already participated in beauty contests. But since she became a mother, it’s a first. “I want to prove to other women that just because you’re a mother doesn’t mean you have to stop there,” she explains.

On the day of the final, the young mother will defend the animal cause. She is not the only one to commit in this direction. This is also the case for Dahlia Furrer. At 27, this owner of an online clothing store always wanted to participate in Miss Universe. “Every year I wait to watch Miss Universe on television. It’s a passion,” says the candidate who hopes to win the crown. To prepare as best as possible, she does a lot of sport. She is also working on her English and Spanish, which are essential for traveling to Mexico.

“It’s a dream come true”

She also knows the competitions and her podiums well. At 35 years old Eve Pozzoli has already participated in Miss and is the former finalist of Miss International ECOWAS. The opportunity to compete in Miss Universe came by chance, but this mother of one wants to believe it. “You shouldn’t be afraid to believe in your dreams. It’s my challenge,” says Eve. Geneva is committed to protecting the planet.

Among the four Geneva finalists, Eve is not the oldest. The oldest is Alexandra Salermon, 37 years old and mother of three children. Model and content creator, this Pâquisarde works in a children’s hospital. His age is not a handicap, on the contrary. “Since I was little, I have always watched Miss France, Miss Universe, Miss World. I always told myself that one day I would like to represent my country.

Alexandra chose to get involved in children’s health and help for the elderly. A cause that she will defend at the Swiss final in Bern. Last year, a Genevan became second runner-up. Will one of the finalists qualify for the final in Mexico? Answer Saturday.



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