One of the worst pedophiles in Quebec: still at risk, 20 years later

One of the worst pedophiles in Quebec: still at risk, 20 years later
One of the worst pedophiles in Quebec: still at risk, 20 years later

Even after spending nearly two decades in prison, one of Quebec’s worst pedophiles still risks reoffending, according to a psychiatrist who recommends “the longest possible period of supervision.”

• Also read: He wanted another pedophile to take the blame

• Also read: Pedophile Luc

“He still exhibits deviant sexual interests. I do not believe that new additional treatments could significantly modify the prognosis,” we can read in the report of Dr.r Benoit Dassylva.

This is how the forensic psychiatrist expressed himself in the case of the infamous pedophile Luc X, a father who shocked Quebec because of his crimes committed in the early 2000s.

At the time, he had raped his 4-year-old daughter, while filming the scenes in order to sell them online. He also took numerous photos of the child in various outfits, including a wedding dress. He also had another victim, according to evidence presented at the time.

“Mr said that he perceived the little girls as bigger than they actually were, he had the feeling that his daughter’s affection replaced that of his partner,” we can read in the recent expert report .

He finds the images

The pedophile received a 15-year prison sentence in 2005. But his years in the shadows, during which he underwent several therapies, do not seem to have been enough in his case.

This is because after obtaining parole in 2019, Luc X was sent to a halfway house. And once there, he found a way to recover the illegal images he had taken before his conviction.

“The device contained 1,263 files, including 1,013 files of child pornography,” noted judge Josée Bélanger in declaring him guilty this year of possession and distribution of child pornography.

“To be controlled”

The pedophile has since admitted that he still considers himself “at risk,” given that he has “always been attracted to underage girls.” But as he would be aware of his problem, Luc

“He admits to sometimes still having fantasies about minors, particularly little girls in tights,” it is stated in the report.

For Me Jérôme Laflamme of the Crown, this report justifies that the accused be declared a “long-term offender”, so that he will be subject to close surveillance the day he leaves prison.

The defense lawyer, Mr.e Gaétan Bourassa did not explicitly announce whether he would contest the request. However, he affirmed that he would request a lesser period of incarceration than that of the Crown.

Judge Pierre E. Labelle will hear the parties’ arguments in November.

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