PMU – Arrival of the quinté on Thursday September 26: Kathina helped by the rains

PMU – Arrival of the quinté on Thursday September 26: Kathina helped by the rains
PMU – Arrival of the quinté on Thursday September 26: Kathina helped by the rains

Arrival of the quinté : 6 – 4 – 8 – 3 – 11

With 3,200 m to go, the outfit was required on the Princes de Condé racecourse. In addition, the very selective rhythm printed by Proletarius (n° 10), who surrendered halfway through the straight, quickly put some competitors in difficulty. In the saddle on Kathina (n° 6), Olivier d’Andigné did not rush. Still far away at the end of the last turn, the 4-year-old filly completed two excellent last hundred meters to catch up with the favorite, Great Alex (n° 4), who seemed set for glory after easily taking the lead. “I hadn’t expected to be so far away but I preferred not to put her in the red, and she accelerated well to finish,” confided the winning jockey, who won the second event of his career. I was confident when I saw the condition of the track, which was deep. She can have a beautiful autumn. »

As she approached this distance for the first time, Snuggles (No. 8) behaved very well. Although overwhelmed at a distance by Let There Be Rock (No. 3), she managed to get back on her rival to obtain second place. Behind the first four, Turania (n° 11) took an encouraging fifth place, the resident of Nicolas Caullery having not been seen in competition since April.



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