Tréguier. These caregivers learn lip reading

Tréguier. These caregivers learn lip reading
Tréguier. These caregivers learn lip reading

Learn to speak discreetly, articulating well, so that you can read lips. Lip reading is a common communication technique for people who have difficulty hearing.

On Tuesday, a lip-reading workshop was inaugurated at the training institute for nursing assistants. This system will be set up in the five Ifas of the Armor territorial hospital group (Saint-Brieuc, Guingamp, Paimpol, Tréguier, Lannion), as well as at the training institute for ambulance drivers in Saint-Brieuc.

This training is carried out in partnership with the Briochine association la Bande sons, which supports the deaf and hard of hearing. Chantal Vaillant, the president, and a member of the association, who are themselves hard of hearing, led the first session.

This is a territorial project, Tréguier is inaugurating the system in communication modules, for users and carers,says Franck Cohen, territorial educational coordinator. Two workshops are on the program. Awareness and attention first, then lip-reading training, with an emblematic scenario. That is, help with washing, explanation of an exam, exchanges during the night shift.

Training patients as experts in their disability

The goal is to to make caregivers aware of what a hearing-impaired person may experience .

This training contributes to the attractiveness of the profession assures Franck Cohen.

Franck Cohen also wants to train expert patients, trainers in therapies that they know well.



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