Cleo vandalizes Marc’s car and Vic moves in with the shared apartment (Summary of episode 1010 + video)

“Here It All Begins” in advance with the full summary of episode 1010 of Wednesday, September 25, 2024 – Like almost every day, News Actual lifts the veil on the continuation of the intrigues of your favorite soap opera. In this new episode of ITC which will be broadcast Wednesday on TF1, Cléo avenges Jasmine and Enzo makes a proposition to Vic.

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The previous summary of Here It All Begins from Tuesday September 24, 2024 from News Actual is also online. Enjoy reading.

ITC Spoilers until October 11, 2024 are also available.

“Here It All Begins” Summary of the episode of September 25, 2024

Milan excluded from Double A

Jude runs into Gary and Thelma. He tells the young man that he’s on duty at Double A this afternoon. Gary is stressed, because this is his first experience in the best training restaurant in . Thelma, who worked at Double A yesterday, is also on the schedule today and offers to help him. Milan, sitting a few inches away from them, is surprised not to be selected for Double A. Thelma tries to reassure him by explaining that it’s a necessary step in his training and that he will inevitably be selected at one point or another.

During the service, Anais is impressed by Gary. She confides to Jude that she finds him very comfortable for a first-year student. She finds him very calm and very lively at the same time.

After the shift, Gary and Thelma are chatting with Milan when Anais joins them. She congratulates Gary on his first shift and then tells Thelma and the young man that they are scheduled tomorrow. “And when am I scheduled?” Milan asks him. Anais snaps that she is not the one who makes the schedules. A few minutes later, Milan goes to the management office and explains the situation to Antoine. He is surprised that he has not yet done a single shift at Double A and checks the schedule. He discovers that he has been canceled because he has a class that overlaps with the shift. “Two days a week, that’s all,” Milan points out, insisting that he will fall behind the others. Antoine agrees with him on this point. He then explains that he cannot decide the schedule alone and asks him to come back the next day.

Enzo makes a proposition to Vic

At the shared flat in the marshes, Vic admires the view and confides to Enzo that she will never get tired of it. She then explains that living at the boarding school is very difficult. The other day, an argument broke out between Léonard and Gaspard, and they were making so much noise that she heard everything. Vic adds that although her cohabitation is going well with her roommate, she is in her third year and would like to have her own space. She would like to be able to work without being interrupted every five minutes. Enzo then suggests to his girlfriend that they move into the shared flat in the marshes. Vic is delighted. In the afternoon, the young woman goes to meet Carla at the Studio. Vic has had Anais and Gaëtan’s agreement to live in the shared flat. She wants to have Carla’s, but the young woman asks her what she will get in exchange if she agrees to let her come. Knowing her taste for gossip, Vic offers to tell her everything that happened in the Institute’s secret club. Carla lets herself be convinced.

At the end of the day, Enzo goes to the boarding school and runs into Vic who has just finished emptying her room. She informs Enzo that she told Myriel she was leaving, and he agreed without hesitation. Enzo tries to convince Vic that Carla doesn’t want her to come. Vic tells him that she met Carla earlier and got her agreement. She then asks Enzo what the problem is. Enzo confesses that he’s worried that their little habits will become burdensome and affect their relationship. Vic, understanding, points out that they don’t have to spend all their time together. Enzo points out that it might be difficult since they’ll be sharing a room. Vic replies that she was planning on taking an empty room so she could have her own space. Enzo is relieved.

Cleo vandalizes Marc’s car

A group of students are cooking in the Institute’s amphitheater. Maya asks Malik what happened the day before between Jim and Cleo. Malik says that he was very close to Cleo, and suddenly, Jim punched him right next to his face. Maya calls Jim sick. He passes by their worktop. Maya calls him out and refers to yesterday’s incident. Jim tells the young woman that she can’t understand and claims that Cleo is crazy. Maya calls him a loser. Jim asks him to tone it down. “Otherwise, what, are you going to hit me too?” the young woman retorts. A few moments later, Antoine arrives and asks Jim to follow him. Marc, who is present, asks him what’s going on. Antoine realizes that Marc is not aware of the events of the day before and tells him that they will discuss it after his class. Marc then asks his students to continue without him and heads towards the principal’s office.

A few moments later, and after learning what Jim had done, Marc asks his son what got into him. Jim answers that he can’t understand and explains that Cleo provoked him. Marc retorts that there is nothing that justifies being violent. Antoine interrupts them. He tells Jim that what he did is serious, and that even if Cleo is not a student at the Institute, she lives there and she is under their responsibility. He then tells him that they have not yet decided on his punishment, but that he will not be excluded. On the other hand, his punishment will be commensurate with what he did. After Jim leaves, Marc learns while talking to Antoine that Jasmine and he have broken up. Antoine explains to him that according to Souleymane, things have not been going very well between them lately and that Cleo’s assault was the last straw for Jasmine. Marc takes the blow.

Souleymane calls out to Jim in front of the Institute entrance. Marc’s son informs him that he is not being fired. Souleymane is relieved. Jim laments that after losing his brother and his girlfriend, he finds himself with a reputation as a dangerous person. Souleymane points out to him that he has gone very far. Jim recognizes him. Souleymane asks him if he didn’t notice that Cleo provoked him on purpose just so that he would lose his cool. “If that’s the worst part,” Jim replies.

Marc, for his part, goes to meet Jasmine. The young woman confides in him that she feels bad following her breakup with Jim and asks for news of her ex-boyfriend. Marc replies that it is the first time he has seen his son so hurt. Jasmine affirms that her goal was not to make him suffer. “It failed” Marc retorts before holding her responsible for the unhappiness of his two sons. A little later, Jasmine walks with Cleo in the marshes and tells her about her discussion with Marc. She confides in him that she was so destabilized that she did not know what to answer him. Cleo finds what Marc told her unfair.

A little later, Marc parks his car in front of the Institute. Cleo watches him from afar. She waits for him to move away before approaching his vehicle. After checking that she is alone, Cleo scratches Marc’s car with a key. Alice passes nearby and sees Cleo leaning on the door. Intrigued, she watches her for a moment before moving away. Shortly after, Cleo finishes engraving an insult on Marc’s car with the key and seems satisfied with the result.

Excerpt Here it all begins: Cleo avenges Jasmine

Watch “Here it all begins” from Monday to Friday at 6:30 p.m. on TF1, just before “Tomorrow belongs to us”, and in replay on TF1+.



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