In Villeneuve, the actor Luca Leone, 20 years old, talks about life in the past

In Villeneuve, the actor Luca Leone, 20 years old, talks about life in the past
In Villeneuve, the actor Luca Leone, 20 years old, talks about life in the past

Published on September 20, 2024 at 05:30. / Modified on September 20, 2024 at 10:17.

“I spend my summers imagining my ideal summers.” “Italy is always summer, even in winter.” “I console myself with the happiness of others by reminding myself that it is fleeting.” “Maybe I should stop my cinema…” Luca Leone is a 20-year-old young man from another time. Green eyes under a thick mane of hair, this director and singer of beautifully old-fashioned tunes who was applauded at the Théâtricul two years ago, seems to live in a hackneyed era, that of melancholic waltzes and black and white. A time before the tyranny of small screens.

The time, too, of dreams and fertile solitudes. In Paradiseseen at the Théâtre des Grottes in Geneva last March, Luca Leone does just that: turn the pages of the book of his childhood, which he likes to say passed through love, local cinemas and Italy. This charming proposition with legendary soundtracks, typical The Strada by Fellini, can be discovered at the Café-théâtre de l’Odéon, in Villeneuve, from September 20 to 22.

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