Make this character “less gay”: Disney was afraid that this film would suffer the same failure as Buzz Lightyear, they are convinced that this scene is the cause!

Culture news Make this character “less gay”: Disney was afraid that this film would suffer the same failure as Buzz Lightyear, they are convinced that this scene is the cause!

Published on 09/18/2024 at 5:50 p.m.

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Between the animators and the executives, it’s not always joy. During the production of the latest Pixar animated film, Disney did everything to ensure that the main character did not give the slightest hint of his potential homosexuality, for fear of repeating a Buzz Lightyear failure. A decision that was very badly received internally, and above all absolutely ridiculous.

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Disney proves its lack of courage again

If there is one company that represents the wolf in the sheepfold, it is surely Disney. With its titanic presence in the animation industry, whether before or after the acquisition of Pixar studios in 2006, the Mickey Mouse-eared company has always surfed two very different, even opposing, waves. On the one hand, it is given this image of a company where all dreams come true, which welcomes everyone and promises a perfect world. On the other hand, everyone knows that there is no one more capitalist than them and that they will stop at nothing to make as much money as possible. This is all the more true since they started buying up absolutely the entire entertainment industry, from Marvel to Star Wars to Fox. And while they continue to play very largely on their most inclusive side by proudly displaying their rainbow colors during the month of June and celebrating Pride at Disneyland (not to mention the huge number of LGBT-colored derivative products that earn them a lot of money, obviously), We’re still waiting to see a Disney or Pixar animated classic whose main character has a homosexual relationship as clear and important as the many heterosexual relationships that have been developed in the studio’s history.

When the first trailers were released for Inside Out 2many members of the LGBT community had begun to have a little hope for Riley, its main character. Indeed, it is difficult to make a film about adolescent awakening without talking about the first romantic relationships (as Disney themselves know very well since they have already talked about it in Luca, Red Alert and even in the short film of Vice versa), and the first images already seemed to emphasize Valleya hockey buddy that Riley already seemed to want to approach. However, when the film came out, bang, not a single hint of a homosexual awakening on the horizon, not even when the film teases a “very dark secret” throughout history. An eternal disappointment for LGBT people who are still looking for real representation in Disney animated films, and which could have happened in Inside Out 2 according to the animators themselves.

The production of Vice Versa 2 was far from idyllic

Recently, our American colleagues at IGN chose to go Meet some Pixar animators having worked on Vice Versa 2. The opportunity to realize that production was catastrophic and that the executives did not hesitate to make their employees work 7 days a week until the troops were exhausted to ensure that the release date would be respected. But the worst part of all this is that they also expressly asked to redo a lot of scenes already completed for make Riley “less gay.” The reason? The commercial failure of Buzz Lightyear a few years ago. According to one source interviewed by IGN, Disney is convinced that this failure is mainly linked to a poor little lesbian kiss that is more than secondary in the film:

It’s always a problem. Executives will point to Buzz Lightyear specifically and say, “Oh, that was a commercial failure because there was a gay kiss in it.” But that’s not the reason the movie didn’t work.

It is indeed difficult to believe that a simple secondary kiss almost in the background would be the cause of a commercial failure when The film came out at a disastrous time for the entire film industry.namely just after the reopening of theaters post-confinement. In addition, Disney has already suffered other failures without there being the slightest hint of homosexuality in the films concerned, and conversely, we could cite a fabulous number of successful productions where this theme is central. In short, Disney is always looking for excuses not to take a step that they already boast of having taken countless times without it ever really being the case (Beauty and the Beast, Dory, Ahead…Come on, we’re going to give a very slight good point for Avalonia because we’re nice). However, we remind you that questions of representation are crucial in a world where marginalized people still have so much trouble being accepted by others, and that animated films have never had problems highlighting couples in their scenarios when it was a boy and a girl. Moreover, the 14% of Pixar employees laid off a few months ago who were not even entitled to the bonuses generated by the success of Inside Out 2, we imagine that it is still the fault of the wokes. But we can’t wait for June to sweep everything under the rug!

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