Foix. Discovering the Espinet open-air theatre

Foix. Discovering the Espinet open-air theatre
Foix. Discovering the Espinet open-air theatre

the essential
On Sunday, September 22, the Foix Terre d’Histoire association opens the doors of the open-air theater as part of Heritage Days.

This free event invites you to discover the local cultural heritage, with an emphasis on the history of the region and the Cathars.

Starting at 10 a.m., guided tours will allow the public to delve into the history of the theater and explore its backstage. This place, usually closed to the public, will thus reveal new aspects, rarely accessible. Through these tours, the organizers wish to pay tribute to the events that have marked the site.

Mélissa, a volunteer in charge of communications on the association’s board of directors, tells us her story: “This is the second time we have offered this for the Heritage Days weekend. For us, it is an opportunity to open the doors of the theatre and give a behind-the-scenes tour of something that is not usually accessible. We hope that this will allow new people to be tempted to join the association and in turn be able to offer a historical show.”

Starting at 11 a.m., artistic workshops will invite young and old to participate in the creation of a large collective fresco. This symbolic creation will highlight the history of Foix and its legends. At the same time, the organizers are offering an exhibition of costumes from the historical shows presented by the association. These costumes, carefully reconstructed, trace the significant eras of the city and allow you to better understand the atmosphere of the performances.

The afternoon will be particularly lively with, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., an archery workshop, offered by the association Les Archers Cathares. This workshop is an opportunity to learn more about this medieval art, while trying out the practice under the watchful eye of local experts.

Finally, at 2:30 p.m., a highlight of the day will be the screening of the film “Le Secret des Cathares”, made from the 2011 show. This film traces the history of the Cathars, emblematic figures of the region, through a rich staging and captivating stories. The screening allows you to rediscover this historical episode in an accessible and immersive format.

Although the event is free, it is advisable to book to attend the screening or get more details about the activities. This day at the Espinet open-air theater promises to be a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the history of Foix and share friendly moments, between culture, art and discoveries.

Justin Navarro



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