Anthony Delon, “one month already”: powerful tribute to his father Alain Delon who he misses terribly

On August 18, Alain Delon passed away at the age of 88. A month after his death, his son Anthony, still upset, paid tribute to his memory, taking the opportunity to honor that of his mother Nathalie, Alain Delon’s one and only wife.

Anthony Delon, “one month already”: powerful tribute to his father Alain Delon who he misses terribly

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Losing a parent is part of the cycle of life, but no one is ever truly prepared for it. Even if the departure is expected. This is exactly what Anouchka, Alain-Fabien and Anthony Delon are going through. On August 18, through a statement written by the three of them, they announced the death of their father Alain Delon, taken away at the age of 88 after a battle with illness. “Alain-Fabien, Anouchka, Anthony, as well as (his dog) Loubo, have the immense sadness of announcing the departure of their father“, it was written.”His family asks you to please respect his privacy in this extremely painful time of mourning.

A month has passed, the pain is still as raw. This September 18th marks Alain Delon’s first month of absence. It was impossible for Anthony not to mark the occasion by revealing several photos. The first, in his Instagram story (see our slideshow), which features his father and mother. The actor accompanies the photo with a caption that says it all: “I miss you both.” On his account, he also posted a photo of his father taken from a shoot handling weapons in front of a small cat: “It’s so you… A month already” he declares in the caption accompanied by a broken heart.

Children united in pain

A few hours earlier, it was Anouchka Delon who spoke. By publishing several photos of her father at various times in his life, Lino’s mother wrote: “2:30 a.m., August 18, 2024. In a few hours, a month without you, and it makes me anxious. A month without our moments. Without my hand in yours. And that until the end… A month that your grandson misses you. Who tells me: ‘Do you miss Opa? Can’t you talk to him anymore, stroke his hand or kiss him? It’s okay mom, look there’s his picture there.’ A month that every day around noon I have this reflex of wanting to call you. Like every day for so long. But that was before…”

Anthony Delon will live this special day to the fullest. But his grief does not make him lose his sense of friendship. As proof, while he had promised to attend the Concerto for Peace given that day by Omar Harfouch at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, he will not be able to go. But far from him the idea of ​​not honoring his promises. A few days earlier, Anthony Delon went to the rehearsals, thus marking his first public reappearance, to support his friend with whom he took the time to pose and chat. Further proof that for the Delons, speech is sacred.



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