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Until what age should my child travel in a car seat?

Until what age should my child travel in a car seat?

Your child is growing up: does he still have to travel in a car seat? At what age will he be able to do without it and make do with the seat belt? We take stock.

Road safety is not something to be trifled with. When your child takes a car journey, even a very short one, he or she must be seated in a car seat that is appropriate for his or her height and weight and properly secured. While this recommendation may seem obvious to babies and young children, it raises more questions as the child grows. So, until what age should he or she be seated in a car seat?

Also to discover : These tips to keep kids from getting the car dirty this summer

Car seat mandatory for children up to 10 years old

The government’s road safety website is very strict on the issue: “Up to the age of 10, every child must travel in a car seat that is suitable for their age and morphology (their height and weight). This seat must be correctly installed in the vehicle.” It is therefore only from this age (and if they are at least 1m35 tall) that your toddler will be able to travel in a car with only a seat belt.

The road safety website also specifies that children under 10 are prohibited from traveling in the front of a vehicle, unless “they are seated facing the rear in a seat designed for this purpose and the airbag has been deactivated”, “if the vehicle does not have a rear seat or a rear seat belt” or “if the…


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