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How much fruit can you eat per day when you are diabetic? (and which ones should you choose)

People with diabetes must be vigilant about what is on their plate to control their blood sugar levels and in particular be careful about products containing sugar. They can, however, eat fruit.

Fruits are an integral part of a balanced diet. Just like vegetables, they are rich in fiber, water and nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Diabetics can consume them. However, it is advisable not to consume fruits in isolation. So you can eat them to accompany your meals, or during a snack with a dairy product.

“The recommendations are to consume five portions of fruits and vegetables per day, at least, which corresponds to three portions of vegetables and two of fruits. If diabetes is well balanced, it is possible to eat 3 fruits per day. It is advisable not to exceed this figure, since fruits are a significant source of carbohydrates: around 5% for the least sweet up to 15/20% for the sweetest. In addition, the ripening of climacteric fruits changes the quality of carbohydrates and increases the proportion (content) of sugars with a high Glycemic Index (GI), so be careful with the sweetest fruits likely to ripen after harvest,” says Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist – diabetologist, author of the book the TLC diet. Therapeutic lifestyle changes (Ed. Leduc).

Some fruits can be eaten without any second thought. (…)

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