new recommendations for 4-11 year olds
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new recommendations for 4-11 year olds

A healthy and balanced diet is something that is learned in childhood. And because children also have specific needs, Santé publique France is publishing new recommendations on the diet of 4- to 11-year-olds.

“Dietary recommendations for children aged 4 to 11 may be subject to some lack of knowledge or preconceived ideas. While parents tend to naturally raise the subject with health professionals for toddlers, this is less the case when children start to grow up,” explains Anne-Juliette Serry, head of the Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit at Public Health France.

The health agency is therefore launching a campaign to inform and raise awareness among parents about the needs of children of this age. Objective : “facilitate the adoption of these good practices in the daily lives of households in order to, ultimately, reduce the incidence of pathologies that can be induced by inappropriate eating behaviors.”

Fruits and vegetables

The important thing is to get into the habit of eating them every day to reach the quantity of 5 fruits and vegetables per day as an adult. And it doesn’t matter what form they take: “whether fresh, frozen or canned, raw or cooked, plain or prepared.”

Fruit juices, on the other hand, do not count towards the recommended daily serving because they contain too much sugar and are low in fiber. “If parents give them, no more than 1/2 glass per day before the age of 11 – one glass maximum after the age of 11 – and if possible, prefer a freshly squeezed fruit.”

Dairy products

Children need to consume three dairy products per day during childhood and adolescence to meet their calcium needs. For adults, 2 is enough. “Remember that children under 5 years old should not consume raw milk or cheese made from raw milk (except Emmental or Comté), due to the risk of infection,” underlines Public Health France.

The snack

It is recommended to limit pastries and fatty and sugary foods. Bread, a few squares of chocolate or a little butter and jam, a fruit or compote or a dairy product will make a much better snack. And since it is sometimes difficult to avoid them, ” If parents give biscuits, especially avoid those with a Nutri-Score E”, insists Public Health France.

The portions

In terms of quantity, a child does not have the same needs as adults. Between the ages of 4 and 6, a child eats half of what an adult eats, on average. Thus, he does not eat a steak but half a steak, not 100 grams of pasta but 50 grams, not two eggs but only one. From the age of 7, we increase the quantities to reach those of an adult at around the age of 11. In addition to these recommendations, trust the young child and his appetite, you should not force him to eat.


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