“Vegetable of the sun”, the pepper is excellent for health. Whether yellow, red, green or orange, it contains many vitamins. Once cooked, it also contains more vitamin C than an orange. Discover all these benefits.
Did you know? Peppers and chili peppers are from the same family! Peppers are in fact a mild variety of chili pepper, which comes in several colors: the redder it is, the riper the vegetable is. And in addition to being able to be eaten raw or cooked, peppers are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Enough to offer your guests a sunny cuisine that is excellent for your health. Moreover, peppers, once cooked, contain more vitamin C than an orange. But that’s not its only asset.
The 5 benefits of pepper
Thus, peppers are one of the fresh vegetables richest in vitamin C. The latter is ideal for “consolidating collagen fibers, which make up the connective tissue that supports cells and thus structures other tissues. It is involved in the synthesis of molecules involved in nerve transmission (e.g. noradrenaline). It plays a protective role in tissues by capturing oxidizing substances. Finally, it facilitates the absorption of non-heme iron (present in plant-based foods such as legumes or nuts),” indicates ANSES. Peppers are also rich in vitamin A and provitamin A. These are versatile elements that participate in the…
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