How to reduce fees that eat into your returns
DayFR Euro

How to reduce fees that eat into your returns

Money – The returns on euro funds from life insurance contracts are often reduced by the fees applied by managers, but this can be remedied

After several years of decline, euro funds (capital guaranteed) of life insurance have recently recovered with an average rate of return of 2.50% in 2023. Some contracts have even performed up to 4%. On the other hand, according to France Assureurs, unit-linked funds (shares, bonds) have posted an average annual performance net of fees of 5.32% over the last five years, knowing that they recorded an overall gross performance of +7.0% in 2023, compared to -11.2% in 2022. If these multi-support contracts therefore have what it takes to attract savers, it is wise to take into account the various fees that impact their returns.

Entry fees, administration fees, etc.

When you subscribe, you will probably have to pay an administration fee on your first payment, which can reach up to forty euros depending on the company. Subsequently, “entry fees” (or “payment fees”) may apply each time you pay into your contract, whether on an ad hoc or regular basis. A certain percentage of the amount you pay is thus deducted and is therefore not taken into account in the announced returns. However, this amount can reach 5% (limited ceiling) (…) - 20minutes

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