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Solitaire, tarot, belote… What is the French’s favorite card game?

Ace of Aces – A study has just revealed the top 5 favorite card games of the French. And one of them stands out in particular

Who hasn’t had a good time this summer, with friends or family? For millions of French people, traditional card games remain a safe bet for relaxing. A recent study listed a top 5 of the most popular – and therefore most searched – card games on the Web. It must be said that these card games are not lacking in assets.

1. The Solitaire

At the top of this ranking, we find a timeless classic, both on the green carpet and on our computers or smartphones: Solitaire. This game even comes out on top by a wide margin, with 1.5 million monthly searches on the Internet. Its advantage: its difficulty, which makes you want to try again and again. Ideal when the metro is stuck for long minutes.

2. Belote

Then, we find another big name in the card game: Belote (with 114,000 monthly searches). The game is passed down from generation to generation, often taught from grandparents to grandchildren. In some regions, Belote is a real tradition, and competitions are regularly organized. Its advantage? It is quickly understood and can therefore be played for longer. Belote and rebelote, in other words.

3. The Tarot

Tarot is in the top 3, with 73,000 monthly searches. Appearing in Northern Italy around 1430, Tarot is a complex game, with a(…) - 20minutes

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