Pope will not attend the reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris
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Pope will not attend the reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris

LThe final works are nearing completion in the repair and reconstruction of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. The reopening of the historic monument is to take place officially on December 7 and 8. But Pope Francis, invited by the Archbishop of Paris and the French authorities, has decided to refuse the request, reports The Figarofor the benefit of other visits.

“I will not go to Paris, I will not go to Paris,” the head of the Catholic Church maintained. During his plane ride from Singapore to Rome on Friday, September 13, 2024, the pope insisted on his refusal to attend the event to reopen Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.

This would not be a refusal for diplomatic reasons, but rather a choice on his part to prioritize visits to “local authorities and the people” who need it most. He has therefore, for the time being, decided to prioritize a visit to the Canaries at the beginning of December.

Visits deemed more essential

At 87, the pontiff is no slouch when it comes to travel. Concerned about the current migratory crisis in the Canary Islands, Pope Jorge Bergoglio has announced his desire to “be close” to the people of the archipelago, who are currently overwhelmed by the influx of refugees from Africa.

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He also said he would like to be able to visit “his people” in Argentina, his home country. […] Read more


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