Sexual assault complaint against philosopher Alexandre Jollien dismissed
DayFR Euro

Sexual assault complaint against philosopher Alexandre Jollien dismissed

The complaint for indecent exposure and sexual assault against philosopher and writer Alexandre Jollien was dismissed in October 2023, learned from his lawyer on Monday, September 9.

The complaint was filed in June 2021 by a young man, a former intern at Alexandre Jollien’s publishing house Les Arènes. The latter accuses the philosopher, who is severely disabled, of having subjected him to touching. He also relates that at that time, in 2015, he had welcomed him into his hotel, naked, and invited him to undress, which he had refused.

The offense was not characterized

An investigation had been opened. Alexandre Jollien responded to the police summons and spoke to the investigators. The Swiss has always denied the accusations made against him. At the end of the investigations, the complaint was closed without further action, the offence not being sufficiently characterised.

On Sunday in a Facebook post, Alexandre Jollien announced this dismissal of the proceedings without further action. “Without further action but not without devastation, without injuries. Zero relief from this coldly legal verdict but a bundle of suffering on all sides,” wrote the philosopher who became known to the French public in the film Presque, shot and directed with Bernard Campan.



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