10 Most Used French Idioms
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10 Most Used French Idioms

French – French is full of colorful expressions. Let’s rediscover 10 of the most common ones

Idiomatic expressions (not to be confused with idiotic expressions, such as “without my full consent”) are figurative expressions specific to a particular language. In fact, the adjective “idiomatic” comes from the Greek ” idiomaticos », which means “particular” or “special”. You pronounce them daily and today, we are talking about 10 of the most used in France. To learn about their history, click on the links provided.

To have a flea in one’s ear

Don’t rush to the vet: it’s about suspecting something. The origins of this funny expression can be found in this article.

Having the wind in your sails

It’s about finding success or, to use a similar expression, being in the wind. Clear your mind here.

Discovering the truth

After having a flea in your ear, you usually end up discovering the pot of roses, that is to say, by revealing a secret. What does this have to do with roses? We explain it to you in this article.

Give your tongue to the cat

Dear children, this expression consists of admitting that one does not know the answer to a question or a riddle. We had explored its astonishing etymology here.

Doing the 400 tricks

It is about doing stupid things or committing delinquent acts(…) - 20minutes

Also read:
“A good” or “a good” appetite: What should you write?
“One” or “an” afternoon: What should you write?
“I beg you” or “I pray you”: What should you write?
“Previous” or “preceding”: What should you write?
“D’ores et déjà” or “dores et déjà”: What should you write?


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