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LAnger is not abating on the left. Having emerged victorious from the ballot boxes during the legislative elections, the New Popular Front (NFP), which had nominated a joint candidate for the post of Prime Minister, in the person of Lucie Castets, has called with several student unions for a day of demonstrations throughout France this Saturday, September 7. Initially supported by La France Insoumise, the movement gained momentum after the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon. The detractors of the head of state denounce, among other things, a “denial of democracy” and a “coup de force” by the latter.

“The nomination of Michel Barnier is a double negation of the election result,” LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard castigated on X. He added: “While the New Popular Front came out on top in the elections, Michel Barnier’s party won 6.5% in the legislative elections. […] This denial of democracy is unbearable.”

The appointment of Michel Barnier is a double negation of the election result.

While the New Popular Front came out on top in the elections, Michel Barnier’s party won 6.5% in the legislative elections and has 40 deputies in the National Assembly.

While the… pic.twitter.com/naiDVwxG6J

— Manuel Bompard (@mbompard)

More than 150 gatherings throughout France

To make their anger heard, more than 150 rallies are planned throughout France in major cities. Demonstrations […] Read more


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