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How much time does he have to form a new government?

How much time does he have to form a new government?

Calendar – After (very) long procrastination, Emmanuel Macron has finally appointed Michel Barnier to replace Gabriel Attal

Business is back on track. After nearly two months with a resigning Prime Minister, restricted in his duties, Emmanuel Macron has finally appointed a Prime Minister. Michel Barnier will now have to choose his teams. In principle, this step should be shorter than the appointment. However, the Constitution does not provide for a deadline.

While Article 8 explains that the President of the Republic is required to appoint the Prime Minister and that, on his recommendations, he then appoints the ministers, no timetable is provided for by law. However, custom dictates that this be done quickly, even if Emmanuel Macron is a fan of wave appointments that can sometimes extend over several weeks.

A few days for a draft

If, in 2017, the government was announced only two days after the appointment of Edouard Philippe, the other reshuffles took longer. In 2020, when Jean Castex arrived at Matignon, the wait lasted three days but the Prime Minister had only appointed part of his government. It was only 20 days later that the complete composition of this new team was announced.

Under François Hollande, Manuel Valls had kept the French waiting a little to reveal the full composition of his government. Appointed(…) - 20minutes

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