Gisèle P. testifies for “women victims of chemical submission”

Gisèle P. testifies for “women victims of chemical submission”

JUSTICE – She wanted her words to be heard. Gisèle P., drugged and raped for ten years by her husband and dozens of strangers recruited by Dominique P. on the internet, testified for the first time this Thursday, September 5, before the criminal court of Vaucluse in Avignon, during her husband’s trial.

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Having remained stoic for three days, the main victim entered the courtroom, surrounded by her three children. Gisèle P., almost 72 years old, with bobbed red hair, first retraced the horror story that allowed her to discover years of rape and chemical submission.

Horrible photos

In September 2020, her husband of 50 years called her to tell her that he had had a “stupidity”. Dominique P. was caught red-handed taking pictures under women’s skirts in a shopping centre in Carpentras, in the Vaucluse. This is the first cold shower.

“He said to me, ‘I had an urge, you weren’t there.’ I replied, ‘You’re going to have to apologize to these women and see a shrink.'”she continued facing her husband, reports RMC journalist Marion Dubreuil who is covering the hearing.

She eventually forgave him. But two months later, on November 2, the couple was summoned to the police station. Gisèle P. recounts: “The police officer asked me if I was into swinging or threesomes. I said, ‘No, I can only stand my husband’s hands on my body.'” Warning her of the shock that this could cause, the officer then posed photos taken of her in front of Gisèle P., « inert » on his bed, next to “of strangers who [la] violent », reports journalist Cécile Ollivier, on X. “This is barbarism”scolds Gisèle P.

“They treat me like a rag doll”adds the septuagenarian, explaining that she waited until May 2022 to agree to watch the videos.

“I’m like a boxer who falls and every time I have to get up”insists the victim, who still described her husband as “a nice guy”, “a super guy” to the police officer who had summoned her that day, before he showed her the photos. She now introduces him in a laconic manner “Mr. P.”.

She would later learn that her husband’s actions lasted for nearly 10 years, from July 2011 to October 2020, first when they lived in the Paris region, then especially at their family home in Mazan. She was raped by her husband, from whom she has been in the process of divorcing since the facts were revealed, and by complete strangers, now aged 26 to 74.

“So that no more women are victims of chemical submission”

“All I have left are my children, two suitcases and my dog. I have lost everything, my husband, my life. I no longer know who I am, or where I am going, I no longer have an identity.”continues Gisèle P. at the bar. Hearing this succession of horrors again, the three children of the main victim cry on the benches of the civil parties, describes Marion Dubreuil.

The victim also recounts her numerous absences during these terrible years, believing she had “ Alzheimer’s disease ». “Since November 2, 2020, I have no more absences and I thank my daughter for creating her association “Don’t sleep: against chemical submission”.”

Recalling why she opposed the closed hearing in this case, for ” a complete, total advertisement, all the way through” of her story, she dedicates her testimony to the victims who “will wake up with absences, gynecological suffering. They will think back to my testimony.” And concludes: “So that no more women are victims of chemical submission.”

For Gisèle P., this trial will be “an absolutely terrible ordeal”had warned her lawyer, Mr. Camus, also the lawyer for the couple’s three children: she “will experience for the first time, on a delayed basis, the rapes she suffered for ten years”because she doesn’t have any “no memory”he insisted to AFP. The debates that began on Monday are scheduled to last four months, until December 20.

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