Battle of figures over the number of children sleeping rough

Battle of figures over the number of children sleeping rough

MIGRANTS – According to associations and the deputy delegate for solidarity, 75 children are sleeping in makeshift camps in Rennes this week of the start of the school year, while the prefecture only counts around twenty.

They returned to school on Monday and were reunited with their classmates and teachers for a new school year. But at the end of class, another night in a tent awaited them. In Rennes, as in many cities, the number of migrants living in makeshift camps has exploded in recent years. Evicted from a building belonging to the region near the Saint-Martin canal in Rennes in early July, around 200 of them have since found refuge in the Parc de la Touche not far from the city centre. Among these people in great precariousness, around thirty families and around sixty children, according to the associations present on site.

Last week, David Travers, deputy mayor of Rennes in charge of solidarity, put forward the number of 75 children sleeping rough in the city’s parks. “This number is actually much higher if we add the families who survive out of sight in cars, garages, squats or schools, accompanied by groups of parents who cannot remain indifferent to the fate of their own children’s classmates,” he said, denouncing a (…) - 20minutes

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