“Bullshit”, “typo”… The apologies of defendants tried for inciting hatred

“Bullshit”, “typo”… The apologies of defendants tried for inciting hatred

bad faith – The five defendants are being prosecuted for incitement to commit a crime without effect, or public insult due to the origin

They wanted to reveal “hidden information”, encourage people to vote… or today admit “a big mistake”. Five people were tried this Wednesday in Paris for having spread hateful messages and the names and addresses of suspects in the case of the death of young Thomas in Crépol.

They are four men and a woman, aged 40 to 56, tried in court in particular for incitement without effect to commit a crime, or public insult due to origin. Their messages had been posted on Facebook or X in November 2023, a few days after the death of Thomas, a 16-year-old high school student fatally stabbed at a dance in Crépol (Drôme) during an altercation between guests and a dozen young people from outside the village.

“Swedish from a good family”

“Real white heads, to be vaccinated directly with a rifle,” wrote Lionel G., a 55-year-old balding truck driver with small glasses, while reposting photos and names of suspects. “The names of the murderers that the cops tried to hide from you are now known,” wrote Gaël L., 56, while reposting a list of addresses of the young people involved.

“Always the same profiles, Swedes from a good family,” joked Jean-Marie L., 40 years old, gr(…) - 20minutes

Also read:
Death of Thomas in Crépol: Identity of the stabber still uncertain
Death of Thomas in Crépol: New indictments for “voluntary homicide”
Death of Thomas in Crépol: Three of the eleven suspects arrested on Monday presented to the investigating judges
Death of Thomas in Crépol: Mothers of suspects denounce the amalgamations of the mayor of Romans-sur-Isère


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