big cat behavior?

big cat behavior?

ANIMALS – Lions live in social groups.

Cats, whether domestic or wild, are solitary creatures. However, lions live in a fairly large environment and their prey live in herds, so to survive they have evolved to create a cooperative social system. Lions live in prides consisting of several lionesses, often sisters, and one or more unrelated lions. Males defend the territory and females work together to hunt and raise cubs.

A big cat?

Lions show behavioral similarities to domestic cats, such as eating grass to regurgitate hairballs, and sleeping about 20 hours a day to hide from the African sun in the shade of rocks and trees. However, lions have also developed their own behavioral adaptations.

A roaring feline

The main feature of the king of Panthera is the ability to roar. Lions have a large larynx with vocal cords similar to those of domestic cats. When air passes through the vocal cords, they vibrate and generate sound. Unlike cats, lions have a larynx that is located much lower in the throat, extending the distance between where the sound is created and the oral-nasal cavity. The muscles(…) - 20minutes


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