Dominique Pélicot, main accused, exempted from hearing this Monday


JUSTICE – A notable absentee this Monday before the Vaucluse Departmental Criminal Court. The main accused in the Mazan rape trial, which began on September 2 in Avignon, Dominique Pélicot, was excused from the hearing for the day. The President of the Court granted this exemption so that the 71-year-old man could receive medical care.

Mazan rape trial: how investigators identified the attackers in this titanic affair

As reported by journalists present on the scene, the accused’s lawyer, Béatrice Zavarro, argued that Dominique Pélicot was ill and had not received “adequate treatment for 48 hours”The man accused of drugging his wife, Gisèle Pélicot, for ten years and recruiting men to rape her, suffers from intestinal pain and a urinary infection.

The medical exemption was granted to Dominique Pélicot, who left the hearing to seek treatment. He is expected to return this Tuesday for his first interrogation, if his health permits, from the box where the 18 accused are being held, the remaining 32 appearing free. Another is still on the run.

The personality of the accused

After hearing from Gisèle Pélicot and her daughter, Caroline Darian, last week, the trial now turns to the 51 accused, starting with the husband of the main victim. A rapist by night but a caring grandfather by day, described as a “ super mec » by his wife, just before she learned of the horror of the events, in the fall of 2020: it is first of all a psychological and psychiatric portrait of him which must be drawn up this Monday by four experts.

Several members of the accused’s family are also expected to testify this morning, including the couple’s two sons, David and Florian Pelicot, as well as Pierre P., Dominique Pélicot’s son-in-law, and Joël Pélicot, his brother. The only character witness called on Monday at the accused’s request will be Ginette Pélicot, his half-sister.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

Mazan rape trial: Nabilla closes her support kitty at the request of Gisèle Pélicot

Mazan rape trial: why the main victim did not want a closed hearing


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