There are several types of meningococci: A, B, C, W and Y. Meningococcus does not survive in the external environment. Its transmission is human-to-human and requires close (less than 1 meter) and prolonged contact.
Most often, meningococci do not cause specific illnesses, but in certain cases, they can cause very serious illnesses such as meningitis or septicemia. Vaccination is an effective means of prevention.
Vaccination against meningococci ACWY and that against meningococcus B became compulsory for infants from 1is January 2025, in application of the decree of July 5, 2024 relating to compulsory vaccination against meningococci type B and ACWY. The vaccination against meningococcus C, already compulsory, has been replaced by that against meningococci ACWY, while vaccination against meningococcus B, hitherto strongly recommended, has also become compulsory.
Updated vaccination calendar specifying the terms of this new vaccination obligation: The vaccination calendar – Ministry of Health and Access to Care
-The health record was accordingly updated and on new version came into force on 1is January 2025. Prevention occupies a very important place in this new health report, which is reflected both by numerous advice to parents but also by the strengthening of the identification of sensory or neuro-developmental disorders by health professionals on occasion. of the twenty compulsory health examinations during the first eighteen years.
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