At the end of 2024, a survey revealed that the size of the penis mattered more than its length for women (46.8% vs. 22%). The opportunity for us to speak with Dr Stefan Buntrock, urologist and consultant for the platform. Together, we then answered the question that burns on many lips: “Does the penis really shrink with age?” An interview during which we also discussed the link between pregnancy and penis size.
Bigger arms and legs, smaller penises
In 2012, a study published in Corriere della Serra led by Professor Foreta, revealed that the average penis length had increased from 9.7 cm in 1948 to 8.9 cm that year, while legs and arms grew. were lying down. The scientist then explained the phenomenon by “environmental changes” and specified that “the proportions of the human body are determined by the endocrine system and in particular the hormones produced in the gonads, that is to say in the testes. (. ..) We wondered what could influence the structure of these hormones: the most likely hypothesis is that changes in our environment influence the endocrine system.
Since this discovery, the influence of endocrine disruptors on the human body has continued to be the subject of research. Among the multitude of studies on this subject, let us cite that of Inserm and the University of Lille published on November 18, 2021 in the journal Nature Neuroscience, which revealed that early exposure to Bisphenol A had significant consequences on fertility. Although banned since 2015 in baby bottles and food containers, this endocrine disruptor is still widespread, particularly in food containers purchased before 2015.
Act well while pregnant to promote the good development of the baby’s penis
What does this have to do with pregnancy? To understand it better, Dr Stefan Buntrock, recalls that endocrine disruptors are “chemicals that interfere with hormonal circuits in different ways”, that they “are everywhere” and that “we ingest them daily”. Indeed, it is found in highly processed foods, certain cosmetics, household products and, as we have seen, food containers.
However, when pregnant, the impact of endocrine disruptors is significant, particularly for the sex of the future child. “This could potentially have a negative effect on adult penis size of the fetuscar he might not get the adequate testosterone boost. Of course, these effects cannot be anticipated in a specific individual and it is impossible to prove them in a given child. However, I think it’s good advice for any pregnant woman to pay attention to her diet. Avoid highly processed foods. You know, all the convenience foods, microwaveable meals, ready-to-eat pizzas, chips, etc. Prefer organic foods, prepare your meals with unprocessed foods. Consult a nutritionist if you are not sure what a healthy diet is.”
-Another factor influences the size of the child’s penis
Endocrine disruptors are not the only ones that have a negative effect on the size of a child’s penis. “Childhood obesity can also lead to shorter penises. There is scientific evidence showing that obese boys enter puberty later, progress through it more quickly, and have testosterone levels lower by 50%. This has an impact on the size of the penis”. Here again, do not hesitate to consult a food professional as soon as your child’s weight curve exceeds that expected, or if you would like advice on adapting the menus and vary them, according to the particularities of the members of your family.
Good to know
- A consultation with a sector 1 nutritionist can be covered by Social Security up to 70% of the basic rate (€26.50), or €18.55 (less €1 flat-rate contribution). For this, a prior prescription from the attending physician is necessary (without it, the cost is 30%). The remainder can be covered in part or in full by a mutual insurance company.
- Nutritionist doctors in sector 2 and 3 may charge excess fees not covered by Health Insurance. Here again, a mutual fund can reimburse all or part of the remainder.
- In France, nutritionists not qualified by the Academy of Medicine can practice. They are not subject to Health Insurance conventions and their consultation cannot therefore be covered by the latter.
Read also
- Certain endocrine disruptors affect the behavior of boys
- How to protect yourself from endocrine disruptors on a daily basis?
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