Anna Roy, midwife and columnist in La Maison des Maternelles on France 5 has just released her book, “Énorme” (editions Larousse, 19.99 euros) where she talks about her addiction to sugars and her weaning journey to get out.
A story that resonates with many people, they also say they cannot do without sugar, “being addicted” as the author was. A new phenomenon similar to “Dry January” (month without alcohol) is gaining more and more followers: the month without sugar.
READ ALSO. After Dry January, why the challenge of the month without sugar is also gaining more and more followers
However, food addiction remains a controversial subject within the scientific community. Addiction, recalls Inserm, is a pathology which is based on the repeated consumption of a product (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.) or the abnormally excessive practice of a behavior (games, time on social networks, etc.) which leads to: a loss of control over the level of consumption or practice.
A study carried out in Bordeaux in 2017, and another in the United States, tended to demonstrate that 90% of rats preferred sugar to cocaine, with a common conclusion: “Consuming sugar produces effects similar to narcotics, altering mood and leading to sugar-seeking.”
The famous rat study widely criticized
Some researchers argue that sugar addiction is a real addiction. However, some of these interpretations have been widely criticized; few scientists are ready to qualify “white powder” sweet addictive drug.
-“If there was a real addiction to sugar, people would eat squares of white sugar or shots of glucose syrup directly. Enough to get their dose very quickly”quips an Internet user in reaction to Anne Roy’s testimony. A sarcastic tone, certainly, but relatively in line with the vision of many health professionals, who also react to the publication of the work. Among which the dietitian nutritionist, Anne-Laure Laratte.
“Sugar is not a drug”
“Stopping your consumption will have physical effects, recognizes the dietitian, but sugar is not a drug. When we consume a lot of sugary products, this can cause reactive hypoglycemia, for example, which will increase cravings without food in the long term, which will lead to snacking a little more. It’s really a vicious circle.”
“Sugar addiction is more psychological, she details. Sugar is not crack, saying you are addicted is wrong. Moreover, the study on rats was very controversial, since the rodents had been starved during the tests. And to continue: “Sugar does not cause a feeling of withdrawal, people who say they cannot control their consumption often have cravings, satisfied by sugary products. This is emotional eating.”
Benefits of reducing sugar intake
However, it is beneficial to reduce your intake: “We will sleep better, feel and be healthier, of course, agrees the health professional. People who think they are addicted to sugar can work on their relationship with food, on their consumption, which is sometimes disordered. We need to implement new habits, eat differently in order to find a better food ratio.”
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