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Addicted to sugar, they say… “It was much easier to quit cigarettes”

testimonials – While some are taking on the challenge of “Sugar-free January”, Marie, Félix, Helena, Lara, Maya and Arthur confide their addiction to this sweet flavor

After the month without alcohol and the month without tobacco, here is the month without sugar, called “No Sugar January”. For 31 days, participants are invited to no longer consume any refined sugar. Goodbye soft morning croissant, caramelized popcorn at the cinema and hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.

A little challenge for some. An Everest for others. Marie, Félix, Helena, Lara, Maya and Arthur all say they are “addicted” to sugar. If ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) advises not to exceed 100 g daily, they are blowing up the counters.

“It was no longer even a pleasure but an obsession”

“I have had a sugar addiction since childhood which was amplified by living alone,” says Lara, 31 years old. Some days, I ingest between 300 and 600 g. I can have up to six pastries in a single day. » The young woman, “of slim build”, alternates with periods of calm. “But I only need to eat it once to fall back into my addiction. » For Félix, 35, “it was no longer even a pleasure but an obsession. Without my excessive daily intake, I became irritable. » Marie, 38, sees it as a source of comfort. “I eat it whenever I’m stressed, sad, angry or during my premenstrual period. And even when everything is going well…”


Are Lara, Félix and Marie really “addicts”? “To characterize an addiction, there must be continuous consumption, difficulty(…)

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Being obsessed with your sugar level even though you’re in good health? “It risks creating hypochondriacs”
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