Coffee, thanks to its stimulating effect, improves attention, alertness and concentration, while combating drowsiness. Studies have confirmed that moderate caffeine consumption optimizes cognitive functions such as learning and memory.
But that’s not all. Citing work carried out on the subject, the French Federation of Cardiology explains that “the antioxidant capacity of the blood increased significantly following the ingestion of a single cup of coffee. This is probably the reason why coffee has a preventive effect on certain diseases. “.
If the benefits of coffee have been studied many times, researchers from Tulane University in New Orleans were interested in a new subject: the moment of consumption.
“Research to date suggests that coffee consumption does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and even appears to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. We wanted to see if the time of day where we drink coffee had an impact on heart health. »
They analyzed data from more than 40,725 adults participating in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 1999 and 2018.
-Participants were asked about their coffee drinking habits, including quantity and time of day. This information was then cross-referenced with death records over a period of nine to ten years.
Before noon…
The results revealed that morning (before midday) coffee drinkers had a 16% lower risk of death (from all causes) compared to non-coffee drinkers or those who consumed coffee throughout the day. As for the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, it was reduced by 31%.
How to explain this difference? “One possible explanation is that drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening may disrupt circadian rhythms and levels of hormones such as melatonin,” the authors explain. “This in turn leads to changes in cardiovascular risk factors such as inflammation and increased blood pressure. »
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