In its 2025 edition of “Drugs and addictions, key figures”, the French Observatory of Drugs and Addictive Tendencies (OFDT) points to an increase in the number of people who have experimented with ecstasy/MDMA at least once in their lives. There are 3.2 million of them in total, with 750,000 users per year.
Thus, 8.2% of 18-64 year olds have experimented with ecstasy/MDMA. They are 2% among 17 year olds. According to the OFDT, increasing consumption, like that of cocaine, is part of a context of increased availability of drugs, in Europe as in France. “The expanded distribution of psychostimulants represents one of the major trends of recent years.”
What is MDMA?
Experimentation with MDMA, which mainly concerns men (11.7% compared to 4.9% of women), increased significantly between 2017 and 2023 (from 5.0% to 8.2%) and its current use has doubled (from 1.0% to 1.8%). The 25-34 year olds are the most numerous to have experienced it (13.8%). Next come 35-44 year olds (11.6%). In 2023, 4,072,704 ecstasy tablets were seized; the average selling price of a tablet is 10 euros.
Appearing in France in the 80s, MDMA is historically associated with the techno scene and the party scene today. MDMA for methylenedioxymethamphetamine, an amphetamine derivative, is a synthetic drug. It comes in different forms: tablets called ecstasy (colored and stamped with a logo), crystals (translucent and of different colors), powder and capsule (the powder is contained inside). MDMA can be swallowed (in capsules or tablets), consumed by parachute (the powder or crystals are rolled in cigarette paper then ingested), diluted in a drink, snorted, inhaled (heated and transformed into steam) and more rarely inject.
What short-term risks?
“This drug is an amphetamine which can have dreadful effects. Its effects appear after half an hour and can last 2 to 4 hours. notes addictologist Laurent Karila in a video published on Facebook in 2022. Then follows the descent phase.
MDMA is used for its stimulating effects. “We feel good, completely. Everything is accelerated, we are not tired.” And its empathogenic or entactogenic effects: MDMA amplifies the feeling of empathy and gives the impression of better understanding others. It facilitates contact and proximity and gives the impression of being in communion with others.
Among the immediate side effects, some are systematic such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, accompanied by palpitations. There are also hot flashes and excessive sweating. Other effects that may occur are:
-- dilated pupils and blurred vision;
- dry mouth
- muscle pain, especially in the jaw;
- headaches
- dizziness, loss of balance;
- nausea, vomiting,
- urinary retention or on the contrary, the need to urinate;
- an impairment of the ability to judge.
“The psychiatric consequences can be immediate such as major anxiety attacks, an acute delusional episode which will require hospitalization, hallucinations”, adds Laurent Karila who also points out the suicidal risk. Drugs info service also mentions panic attacks or paranoia, phases of depression reinforced by intense fatigue.
Complications that could lead to death
Regardless of the frequency of consumption, MDMA can cause malignant hyperthermia (increase in body temperature) accompanied by dehydration; symptoms that can lead to acute kidney failure. Consumers can also suffer from fulminant hepatitis, loss of liver function in a very short time. Drugs info service, also warns of the risk of continuous, uncoordinated and abnormal activity of the ventricles of the heart which can lead to cardiac arrest (ventricular fibrillation).
An addiction
In the medium term, sleep problems may occur, particularly insomnia, memory and concentration.
Regular use of ecstasy requires increasing doses to feel the same stimulating effects as those felt during the first doses. “It can also cause, when stopping consumption, a state of exhaustion and depression accompanied by anxiety which can last from a few days to a few weeks and be difficult to live with or even represent a real obstacle towards stopping. In this case, outside help may be needed to achieve this.”
Source: Facebook account of Laurent Karila – Drugs and addictions, key figures 2025 (OFDT) – OFDT – Drugs info service
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