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Flu: the epidemic wave sweeps through Luxembourg and the Greater Region

Sudden fever, sore throat, muscle pain or even extreme fatigue: there is no doubt, it is definitely the flu. Viruses have been actively circulating in the Greater Region since the beginning of January, and are undermining certain health establishments.

In , the - Regional Hospital Center, for example, launched its white plan last Friday to deal with the epidemic. In the emergency departments, patients are flocking. Between December 30 and January 5, more than 6% of emergency room visits recorded in Moselle concerned the flu, according to Public Health .

Activated last Thursday, January 9 within the CHR, the white plan allows the health establishment to mobilize all means to take care of patients, such as the possibility of recalling caregivers from leave. Other measures have also been put in place to streamline patient care, such as strengthening staff, compulsory wearing of masks in hospitals, the use of extra beds or even territorial solidarity with other health structures.

Code orange in Belgium

In Belgium, the alert level for the flu was raised a notch on January 9. From yellow, vigilance has moved to orange, announced the Minister of Health, Frank Vandenbroucke. The orange code means that “pressure is increasing on the health system and that additional recommendations are necessary,” reports the website.

Among these recommendations, we logically find regular hand washing, ventilation of homes, vaccination, particularly of vulnerable people, or even wearing a mask in busy places, such as public transport.

In the province of Luxembourg, Vivalia hospitals recorded a significant increase in the positivity rate of flu patients, our colleagues at Luxury . The weekend of January 11 and 12 was particularly tense within health establishments, but no therapeutic activity had to be canceled. Vivalia has nevertheless reinforced barrier measures such as wearing a mask in order to limit the spread of the epidemic.

80% more cases

The Grand Duchy is not spared from the epidemic. Between January 6 and 12, 1,342 cases of influenza were recorded, an increase of 80% compared to the previous week, according to the weekly report published this Thursday, January 16 by the Ministry of Health. The vast majority of these cases (77%) concerned influenza A. The ministry recalls that in addition to vaccination, it is necessary to wash your hands and respect barrier gestures to protect yourself from the virus.

For the moment, we have not had to cancel any appointments or operations.

Center hospitalier Emile-Mayrisch

In health establishments, however, the situation is not alarming. “We are indeed seeing an increase in infections linked to influenza and other pulmonary infections, but the situation is stable. For the moment, we have not had to cancel any appointments or operations. Like everywhere, cases are increasing, but we are not sounding the alarm,” said a spokesperson for the Emile-Mayrisch Hospital Center (Chem).

Within the Robert Schuman Hospitals, the situation is similar. “I can confirm that we have indeed seen an increase in the number of influenza virus diagnoses since mid-December, which is quite typical for this period,” indicated Dr. Audrey Noel to our colleagues at Luxembourg word. On Friday January 10, a dozen patients were hospitalized in the group’s health establishments, while seven additional admissions took place over the weekend. Although bed management is more complicated due to this epidemic wave, the usual operation of the hospital has been able to be maintained until now.


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