DayFR Euro

600 vaccines to be delivered to

The health professionals of the territorial professional health community of Greater have not lost touch since the Covid pandemic. In three days, they deployed a flu vaccination center accessible without an appointment, without a prescription and even without a Vitale card. At least three caregivers provide injections under the two marabout tents set up in the Orangerie pavilion in the Gentilly village hall.

“Seeing sick loved ones…”

The implementation follows the proposal, at the end of last week, from the management of the Nancy-Brabois CHRU to make available nearly 600 doses of vaccines against the H1N1, H3N2 and Victoria strains. Objective: try to limit the pressure on its services between now and the epidemic peak expected around January 20. “The vaccine is effective within 8 days so it is still worth doing,” assures nurse Thierry Pechey. The message was passed on to Nadine, who was there receiving the first flu vaccination of her retired career. Like the 65-year-old gentleman just after her: “I received the mail, I thought I didn’t need it. But seeing the news and sick relatives, I told myself that it wasn’t so trivial and that we had to be reasonable. It was necessary for the first time…” It lasted five minutes flat.

The goal is to avoid the blank plan

“We had to be reactive to avoid a blank plan and therefore loss of chance of recovery and diagnosis for patients,” explained Joan Orsier, territorial delegate of the ARS , on site. The epidemic is particularly virulent this season while the vaccination rate is lower than usual. This already raises questions about what needs to be corrected in terms of communication around the flu. »

And also the “vaccibus”

The target here is those over 65 and people at risk who have not yet had an injection for this winter 2024-2025. The most vulnerable and less mobile among them can request to stop the “vaccibus” (tel. 06 11 33 27 96), another emergency device which is currently circulating from senior residences to nursing homes.



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