The Grand Est region is coughing! She has reached alert level. The peak of the flu epidemic has not yet occurred, but it will not be long. The latter is particularly virulent this year. “The hospital is not saturated, but it is under tension,” declared Mathieu Klein, the mayor of Nancy, this Monday, March 13, during a press conference in the presence of the general director of the regional agency. of health (ARS) Grand Est.
Free and open to those over 65
To try to counter the virus, the ARS and the Métropole du Grand Nancy have set up a system. From 2 p.m., this Tuesday, January 14, a vaccination center will open in the Orangerie room in Nancy-Gentilly.
600 doses of vaccines are available until Sunday January 19, the planned date of the center’s closure. The latter is accessible free of charge to all people over 65, whether resident or not in the Greater Nancy Metropolis.
Depending on demand, the center could play extensions, vaccines being in stock, according to the ARS. “In addition, the vaccibus has been traveling the roads since Monday in the Metropolis to reach independent and senior residences. He will also go to homes to vaccinate those who cannot travel to the vaccination center or who are particularly at risk,” explained the mayor.
For vaccination outside the center, the number to dial is: 06 11 33 27 96.
-Barrier gestures
Also present, Professor Christian Rabaud made a point of reminding us of the need for barrier gestures. “As the hospital is particularly tense today, during the next three weeks, there will be new cases. There is still time to get vaccinated and above all to apply the actions we knew during Covid, by washing your hands, using gel, and wearing a mask if someone coughs or has a fever . »
As a reminder, it is possible to get vaccinated at your doctor or pharmacy.
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