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increase in phosphate production in these countries – La Nouvelle Tribune

Phosphate, a strategic mineral for global agriculture, constitutes a major natural resource for the economies of the Maghreb. An essential element in the manufacture of fertilizers, this mineral plays a crucial role in global food security. The considerable reserves of phosphate in this region have historically enabled the countries concerned to position themselves as key players in the international fertilizer market, contributing significantly to their trade balance and the development of their mining industry.

An encouraging recovery in Tunisia

The Gafsa Phosphate Company (CPG) shows promising results for the year 2024, with commercial phosphate production reaching 3.03 million tonnes. This progression, although modest compared to the historical record of 8.1 million tonnes recorded in 2010, marks a significant step in the reconstruction of the sector. The monthly average of 250,000 tonnes reflects a gradual stabilization of operations, after a decade marked by major disruptions. The contrast between the current situation and the sudden drop of 70% observed between 2010 and 2011 underlines the extent of the progress made to recover production.

Modernization and structural challenges

The CPG is currently deploying an ambitious modernization strategy to regain its place among the major producers. The acquisition of modern equipment and the optimization of production processes constitute the pillars of this transformation. However, the Tunisian company must deal with several persistent obstacles. Regular social movements threaten the stability of production, while competition from Moroccowith modernized infrastructure and efficient logistics, is intensifying pressure on the regional market. The environmental issue, particularly the management of water resources necessary for extraction, also represents a major challenge for the sustainability of operations.

Outlook and ambitions for 2025

The positive dynamics observed in 2024 fuel the ambitions of the CPG, which is now targeting production of 5 million tonnes for 2025. This projection is based on several concrete initiatives, combining infrastructure investments and diversification of commercial outlets. The sustained prices of phosphate on international markets provide a favorable context for this expansion. The growing demand for fertilizers, stimulated by global agricultural needs, strengthens the strategic position of Maghreb producers. This situation could allow the Tunisia to capitalize on its natural resources to consolidate its economic recovery, on condition of maintaining social stability and ensuring sustainable management of resources.


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