Unpredictable days in health monitoring
Public Health Doctor at ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine for more than 2 years, Karim Tararbit first worked in PMI in the Paris and Lyon regions then in ARS in several regions. He works within the health monitoring and infectious risk prevention center which constitutes the gateway to all signals sent to the ARS (notifiable infectious diseases, epidemics, exceptional health situations, adverse events, hospital tensions, etc. ). It manages the public health measures to be put in place (investigations, prophylaxis, isolation measures, vaccinations, etc.). You have to like working in a hurry with unpredictable days depending on the signals that arrive.
The center is made up of a multidisciplinary team including doctors, pharmacists, nurses and administrative staff. In addition to monitoring and health security, the division integrates the coordination of regional vigilance and the prevention of infectious risks (vaccination, fight against tuberculosis, healthcare-associated infections, fight against antibiotic resistance). Each professional has thematic references, for Karim Tararbit, there are in particular environmental health, emerging pathologies, and in the field of infectious risk prevention, antibiotic resistance. All these transversal missions constitute the richness of the position of public health doctor in health monitoring and this is what pleases Karom Tararbit, who summarizes his role within the pole by saying “we manage the heat! “.
The ability to keep one foot on the ground
Doing shifts in vaccination centers, in geriatrics, or elsewhere, as a public health inspector, is entirely possible. Indeed, it is possible to maintain an activity of general interest. This is the case of Karim Tararbit, who explains to us that he has kept part of his medical activity in PMI. Public health is notably one of the specialties which are authorized to practice in PMI, this is also the case for general practitioners, gynecologists and even psychiatrists. It was, moreover, one of the arguments which tipped the balance when he was considering between pediatrics and public health.
A good compromise for Karim Tararbit, who adds: “I find that it is a good balance to have retained an activity in PMI. This is a very good area for implementing public health. We do prevention and vaccination. Keeping one foot on the ground allows me to have a certain vision of things, it is also a positive way of showing, contrary to what one might think, that we are not doctors disconnected from the field.”
A high level of medical technology
Finally, Karim Tararbit mentions an important human component within his department with a lot of exchanges and maintaining a high level of technicality as a doctor. “ We are in a medical role with a large component of medical technicality. We maintain contact with patients, families, health professionals and various partners such as local authorities, national education or even the various services of the prefecture ».
A good thing to know, therefore, for public health doctors reluctant to fall into a purely administrative role. Everything is possible at the ARS and above all every day is a challenge when you work within the health monitoring center.
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