Recently on the occasion of the weekly market, around Stéphane Charpentier the mayor of Lévignac and his deputies, staff from the technical services of Tisséo Collectivités, Grand Ouest Toulousain (GOT) and Toulouse Métropole gathered for a “walkability” workshop. . Operation to develop the urban pedestrian master plan on the theme of pedestrian accessibility to the Lévignac market.
“Walkability” refers to the “capacity of an environment to facilitate utilitarian travel on foot and by bicycle”. In town planning this term designates the accessibility of amenities on foot. While walking through various sites in the village, the purpose of this workshop was to observe, using analysis tools produced by Tisséo and Cerema, the accessibility, level of comfort of the public space and the development of roads for pedestrians, particularly near the market.
“The challenge of walking in our territories is major,” indicated Aurélie Ducruet, responsible for planning and development of the GOT territories. “The quality of public spaces for pedestrians is an important lever for switching to alternative modes of transport to the car, but also, including for motorists, because all travel begins and ends with walking.”
The results of this analysis could ultimately lead to development work in the heart of the village for the great benefit of pedestrians.
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