We can no longer count the areas of medicine where artificial intelligence has introduced itself and brings benefits and changes. in the diagnosis or management of diseases.
Published in the JAMA Network Open (Source 1), a new study highlights the benefits of AI in suicide prevention. American researchers tested an AI system, called “suicide attempt and ideation probability model” (Vanderbilt Suicide Attempt and Ideation Likelihood model ou VSAIL), afin d’help doctors identify patients at risk of suicide. This device was tested in three American neurology clinics, and conducted with patients during regular visits to the clinic.
Alert the doctor to push for a diagnosis
Two approaches were compared: contextual and automatic alerts interrupting the doctor in his work, and a more passive system, which simply displayed information on suicidal risks in the patient’s electronic file. Verdict: interruptive alerts were more effective, leading doctors to carry out suicide risk assessments in relation to 42% of alerts, compared to only 4% with the passive system.
“Most people who commit suicide consulted a health professional during the year preceding their death (77% according to the data cited in the study, Editor’s note), often to…
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