The whole of France is in red. All the bulletins from Public Health France confirm it: we are in the middle of a flu epidemic. Loire-Atlantique is no exception
underlines Dr Frédéric Massard. For the president of SOS Médecins Nantes, the explosion of the type A virus began during the holidays, five days ago. On the other hand, we have relatively little covid, if at all, and very little gastroenteritis.
Many flu-like illnesses are also circulating.
Even vaccinated, you can be contagious
Regardless, the prevention measures remain the same: We all know them since covid: wearing a mask for people who cough, washing their hands. It is of course necessary to avoid being around sensitive people, those over 75, patients with immune problems and infants.
For Dr Frédéric Massard, the vaccine remains the best way to protect yourself. Vaccination allows you to have attenuated symptoms, or even not to have them at all. You can carry the flu but we will avoid rare forms. But be careful, just like with covid, it is possible to transmit the virus, even if you are vaccinated.
Triple tests coming soon
Doctors can now perform combined covid/flu tests. We are also expecting the arrival of triple tests soon to also detect bronchiolitis.
announces the president of SOS Médecins Nantes. These tests help us in the diagnosis, but are not systematic. We limit them to certain people, also depending on supply.
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