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a big scam that deceives the French?

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Yogurts occupy a central place in the French diet. To finish a meal, they logically find their place. It's an essential sweet note for some people. When they choose them in supermarkets, they read and trust the packaging. But be careful, UFC-Que Choisir warns them.

Indeed, this packaging can, sometimes, not be strictly accurate. However, behind obvious sales strategies lies a lack of transparency which the association deplores. The latter wants to highlight questionable commercial practices. She wants to inform the French so that they are no longer fooled. Today, it is therefore a yogurt which is at the center of criticism.

UFC-Que Choisir: kefir or not kefir?

For thousands of years, kefir has enjoyed great success due to its beneficial health properties. It is a fermented milk which is rich in bacteria and probiotic yeasts. So, consuming it helps promote intestinal health. All kevir consumers will tell you, it's effective.

Unlike classic yogurts, authentic kefir is made from specific grains, which give it its unique qualities. However, according to UFC-Que Choisir, many products labeled as “kefir” in supermarkets do not use these essential grains.

To have
The UFC-Que Choisir denounces these products sold at Lidl, they can be harmful to your health

Instead, they make do with regular lactic acid bacteria. But brands know that the name kefir is much more salesy. This is precisely what the UFC-Que Choisir experts deplore.

A product often more expensive, but not always authentic

The UFC-Que Choisir investigation highlights a misleading practice: these supermarket “kefirs” are often sold at high prices, sometimes 7 euros per literup to three times the price of classic yogurt. However, their composition brings them closer to much less expensive products, like buttermilk or leben.

UFC-Que Choisir describes this situation as an abusive marketing strategy. Indeed, it points to a gap between the price and the true nutritional value of the product, while the latter is in no way justified.

Manufacturers, for their part, put forward practical arguments to justify their choices. For example, Kerguillet, a Breton company interviewed by UFC-Que Choisir, explains: “ Working with very specific strains allows you to obtain a more stable result. Easier to manage in terms of microbiological risk ».

Danone, for its part, highlights the desire to limit the production of alcohol, a natural characteristic of authentic kefir. Indeed, Like kombuchas and fruit kefirs, milk kefir contains small amounts of ethanol. This specificity, although natural, can be seen as a disadvantage by some consumers.

To have
UFC-Que Choisir warns of the price of these star products at Christmas which will explode by 33% in all supermarkets

How to make the right choice?

The UFC-Que Choisir calls on the authorities to further regulate the use of the term “kefir” to avoid marketing abuses. Waiting for, consumers can take certain precautions themselves to avoid being fooled.

To begin with, it is better not to rely solely on the packaging. In fact, the association advises giving priority to reading labels. Turn especially to references with short ingredient lists. Finally, look for the explicit mention of kefir grains.

By adopting these reflexes, it is possible to benefit from the real benefits of kefir while avoiding giving in the pitfalls of abusive commercial strategies. And we can thank UFC-Que Choisir for this warning.

Source: UFC-Que Choisir


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