Winter puts our immune system to the test, and it is not uncommon to succumb to colds or chronic fatigue during this period. To avoid these inconveniences, a few simple and effective habits can be adopted. Here are expert recommendations to strengthen your natural defenses throughout the cold season.
Banish bad sugar and favor minerals
The first step to protecting your immune system is to limit sugar consumption. Aude Veret, naturopath, explains that refined sugar, often present in candies, sodas and industrial meals, reduces our body's ability to fight infections. “Excessive consumption stimulates the production of white blood cells, but they become less effective against viral attacks. »
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On the other hand, it is essential to consume foods rich in minerals. Seafood products, such as fish, shellfish and seaweed (nori, wakame, dulse), are preferred. For an extra boost, nettle soup, rich in amino acids and minerals, can be an excellent option to include in the weekly menu.
Focus on restful sleep
Getting enough sleep is an essential key to maintaining a healthy immune system. Aude Veret recalls that “melatonin, a sleep hormone, plays a crucial role in the regeneration of immune defenses, particularly between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.”. It is therefore advisable to go to bed early and aim for eight hours of sleep per night to allow the body to regenerate effectively.
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Move regularly, but without excess
Physical activity is essential to stay in shape. Cardio sports like swimming, running or boxing help improve endurance and make the body more resilient. According to specialists, 45 minutes of sport, two to three times a week, is enough. If you're short on time, the key is to move daily, whether through short walks or home exercises.
Adjust your outfit and the interior temperature
Another common mistake is covering up too much in winter. By overloading the body with layers of clothing, we limit its natural ability to adapt to the cold. Alexandra Chopard, doctor of pharmacy, recommends moderating the indoor temperature: “An overheated house weakens the body. Ideally, the living room should be at 19°C and the bedroom at 18°C. » This allows you to better tolerate temperature variations without weakening your immune system.
The benefits of plants and infusions
Plants can also play a key role in preventing winter infections. Thyme, for example, has cleansing properties ideal for cold periods. In the form of an infusion with a spoonful of honey, it becomes a valuable ally against sore throats. Another essential plant: echinacea, known to stimulate the immune system. Available in the form of capsules or extracts in pharmacies, it is particularly recommended for prevention.
Ventilate daily
Finally, it is crucial to renew the air in your home. According to Alexandra Chopard, “indoor air is often more polluted than the outside due to bacteria, viruses and other particles brought in from outside.” Ventilating each room for at least ten minutes a day, including work spaces, helps limit the risk of infection and purifies the environment.
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