Lot'Regard, section of Bégoux Loisirs created on May 30, held its first general assembly at the Bégoux village hall this Saturday, December 14.
Lot'Regard is a section like no other, with ambitions and perspectives in full view. In their moral report, Claude Vertut and Samuel Delluc, the co-presidents, first thanked the approximately 35 people present for this assembly, including 21 members out of the 28 registered.
Claude Vertut then returned, he who is at the origins of the section, to its genesis and to this name which is intended to be a call to look at visually impaired people in a different way and to conceive that the blind or visually impaired can bring their own experience and share it. He also insisted on the necessary complementarity within the section between the blind and the sighted, a singularity which is found in the composition of the office where all positions are doubled, a blind person and a sighted person. The AGM continued with the activity report, the financial report and ended with some tempting prospects.
The perspectives section was an opportunity to give the floor to the guests, starting with the deputy director of the Institute for Young Blind People of Bégoux, a structure due to open soon and accommodate up to 56 residents. P. Fernandez presented his structure then outlined the bases of a real partnership with Lot'Regard and with the associative fabric in general. The president of the departmental disabled sports committee, J. Pailler, also put forward the possibility of Lot'Regard affiliation with the committee, thus opening the door to the practice of a wide range of activities for Lot'Regard members. . N. Boyer, deputy at the town hall of Cahors in charge of solidarity, disability and the elderly, was very sensitive to the creation of Lot'Regard and offered to organize a public meeting to generally discuss the problem visual disability in their daily environment (accessibility, mobility, adaptability, etc.).
When the AGM closed, all the participants gathered around an aperitif and for some around a paella. The opportunity for lots of exchanges and frank conviviality.
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