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Why do you feel the need to smoke after every meal?

Why do we feel this irresistible urge to smoke a cigarette after every meal? Understand the adverse health effects.


  • Tobacco consumption after meals is linked to neurobiological and psychological factors.
  • The dopamine released when ingesting food and nicotine creates a rewarding routine for the brain.
  • Behavioral and medication strategies can help manage these post-meal cravings.

The urge to smoke after meals: A dance between the brain and routine

A cigarette after a meal is a common habit among many smokers. This ritual, far from being solely a personal choice or a cultural phenomenon, is influenced by neurobiological and psychological factors.

The role of neuroscience

Consumption of food and nicotine triggers the release of dopaminea neurotransmitter that stimulates feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

This process, intensified after a meal, reinforces the pleasant sensations felt during the act of smoking. Additionally, the digestive process itself can amplify the effects of nicotine.

Psychological and behavioral factors

The urge to smoke after a meal often sets in as a learned response. By constantly associating eating with smoking, this practice becomes a « routine ». This habit can be reinforced by the social and cultural context, making smoking a norm in postprandial activities.

The brain's reward

According to Tehseen Siddiqui, chief dietician at Saifee Hospital in Mumbai, every time we eat, our brain gets a small reward in the form of dopamine. When you add a cigarette to the equation, dopamine is stimulated even more intensely, creating a supercharged reward for the brain. Thus, the brain associates eating with smoking, establishing an automatic link between these two actions.

Managing cravings after meals

Dr Aradhana Chauhan, a neurologist at Sahyadri Hospital, suggests techniques to manage these cravings, such as behavioral substitutions (taking a short walk, drinking water, using nicotine-free oral substitutes). Additionally, counseling or medication can provide additional help.

Take control

It is important to note that brain habits can be reshaped. With a little patience, it is possible to regain control and say goodbye to those post-prandial cravings. A holistic approach, taking into account both neurobiological and behavioral factors, can be effective in helping individuals manage their cravings and potentially quit smoking.


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